Wednesday, January 10, 2007

... next

The Google Search Toolbar

Google has released a search toolbar for Internet Explorer. This toolbar provides you an insider's method to determine and boost your ranking while helping Google (and Yahoo!) deliver more relevant results.

You can install it from the following URL


After you install the toolbar, click on the Google icon on the left and choose TOOLBAR OPTIONS. Make sure you have enabled the ADVANCED OPTIONS so you get a display of the actual page ranking of any pages you search.

Look for a headline that says "PAGE INFORMATION" and check to "INCLUDE VOTING BUTTONS" on your toolbar. You will see new smiley and frowning face icons on your toolbar. These are important, as you can send an instant ranking suggestion to Google for relevant keywords used in the search results generated by Google.

Near the bottom of that page you will see "EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES" click on the text link to customize these features. There is a feature here that disables exit popups in your browser.

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